
Monday 24 February 2014


This morning i stumbled on a discussion on popular Nigerian Forum site Nairaland. It was nothing short of shocking and i really couldn't believe it happened at a hospital with such high repute. Following that story i decided to read on and was shocked to find that such accounts of gross negligence are common occurences, not only in our general hospitals but also in a few private hospitals. 
This is definitely a long read but as women it is important to be informed, see things like this and take heed to ensure we do not fall into the wrong hands or fall victims of such negligence.I have put together several accounts from different women on their experiences having children in Nigeria and would encourage you to share your own experiences to educate other women. You'll find this stories when you continue...
1. Lagos Island Maternity Hospital (in her own words)
'I leave my home (Ojodu) at 5:30am in the
morning to be able to make my ante natal
session in Island maternity Lagos Island. 
Usually I get there about 6:45am and I may
be number 45 on the queue.
Taking of vital signs commences around
7:00am. A total of about 120 expectant
mothers are present for this exercise every
Monday morning. N40.00 is paid at the vital
sign stand every week and a N100.00 at the
desk before files are retrieved. This is a total
of N140.00 per week asides from other
medications that may be prescribed.
Registration fee for antenatal session is N5,
000:00, after which the spouse of the
expectant mother is told to donate one pint
of blood or pay N6, 000:00 which is

After vital signs have been taken, we usually
wait for doctors to arrive as they are not
always readily available.
When the doctors start attending to us they
are usually impatient as they in a hurry to
be done with us all. Most times student
doctors attend to us without proper
supervision. Due to this fact, a lot of wrong
information, is given to the patients. For
example, on a particular ante natal day, one
of the student doctors told me after
examining me that my baby was not
breathing; he repeated the test several times
and still insisted on the same report. I didn’t
agree with him. I told him, I could feel my
baby kicking. So a senior doctor later
examined me and said my baby was alive
and kicking. As usual the student doctor did
not carry out a proper examination. I wonder
what would have happened if I had been
naïve enough to believe him. I believe that
even the panic that could be created by the
report that my baby has stopped breathing
could lead to a medical condition.

Few weeks to my delivery, I experienced
some pain in my abdomen all night. I
decided to go the hospital to see the doctor
the next day. On getting to the card
attendant, she asked why I wanted to see
the doctor and I told her, and she said why
should I came to disturb them over
abdominal pains. I got upset and gave her a
piece of my mind. Generally the care givers
are very rude and impatient in their
disposition to patients.
On 22 of September, my Monday
antenatal day, I complained to the doctor
that I had pains in my abdomen and he said
my pregnancy was already over 9 months,
and my baby’s head is already down, but to
my greatest surprise he told me to go back
home, which I did.
The pain was unbearable all through the
night, so I returned to the hospital first
thing the next morning. On getting the
hospital the midwife said it was time to have
my baby after paying another sum of money.
I was admitted and went into labour for 7hrs
after which I had my baby around 3:15pm
who was 3.8kg at birth . I had some tears due
to the size of my baby and was moved to an
inner room to be stitched. I overheard the
nurse saying that the doctor who was to
stitch me was ill. After a while a doctor
came in to do the stitching and he was there
for a while trying to do it. After he said the
tear was too deep and he could not handle
it. He advised I should hold on for him to get
another doctor and he then left the room. I
later found out that he was a student doctor.
After waiting for several hours without being
attended to, I decided to shout with the
little strength left in me as I was already
drenched in a pool of my own blood. As I
shouted as much as I could, one of the
cleaners came in. I begged her to help me
call a doctor. Before she left to run the
errand, she requested from me beverages. I
told her to take it and that she should just
help me. I wonder why she should be
interested in my beverages before running
an official errand for me despite my state.
At about 7:00pm a consultant doctor came in
and was alarmed at my state. He asked me a
few questions about who had attended to
me. When he realized that I couldn’t answer
from being worn out, he gave me an
injection and I slept off immediately and
woke up around 10:00pm. On waking up, I
demanded to see my baby, who I had not
touched since delivery, but was stopped by
the nurses and even insulted. They were not
also explaining to me why I could not see my
baby. I suspected that they felt I was too
weak to carry her. I complained of pains in
my leg but was told there was no

When I later saw my baby, she was said to
have been diagnosed with jaundice and she
had to be put in an incubator. I found that
she was in an incubator with another child,
who had rashes all over his body. I
complained about this and the nurses told
me that they had shortage of incubators and
there was nothing they could do. Being my
first child, I did not know that if I put baby
oil on the head of my child, I should not put
her in the incubator. That was exactly what I
did. By the time I went back to check her,
the oil had been heated by the incubation
and it was flowing slowly to her eyes. I
quickly called a nurse and removed the child
from the incubator to clean the baby oil. The
response of the nurse was as interesting as
it was callous. She said sarcastically, ‘you
should not have removed the child now. The
oil will only flow into her eyes and she will
just go blind.’
There were inadequate nurses caring for the
babies. I witnessed the case of a baby, who
died because the incubator was off all
through the night and the nurses did not
I thank God that I left the hospital safely
with my baby. It was by His mercies that we
were not consumed.'
2. Ayinke House (Maternity department of Lagos State University Teaching Hospital) (In the words of a friend of the mother, slightly edited)
 'A friend of mine went for antenatal at Ayinke House (Maternity Department of LASUTH) in the morning and everything was said to be ok and she went back home, only to feel labour pains in the afternoon and going back to the same hospital was delivered of a still birth shocked. How come warning signals were not detected in the morning. 
Government hospital staff members usually exhibit the typical Civil Service attitude (non-challance, nastiness, kick-back, callousness etc). shocked It was the same issue of being seen by a student doctors when a consultant would have attended to me that made me lose a high-risk pregnancy in 2nd trimester at Ayinke House. I was even thinking the reported Island Maternity would be a lot better. It is not their fault, they always have too many patients but the government should look into this.'
4. Hospital In Jabi, Abuja (Mother's story)
3 years after my first child, I had my second child in a hospital in the Jabi area of Abuja, this time I elected to have a C/S after my Doctor advised all through pre-natal consultation. Now, for someone who had seen Hospitals, Caring Doctors and proper equipment, to say I was disappointed at the theatre would be an understatement. I just kept praying. the floor was bare, no screens, no wires and just the doctors. The only "equipment" I saw was an iron bucket(the kind I last saw during my secondary school days)> But God saved me and the CS was successful. the recovery part was the scary part; I was in serious pains and I kept asking for pain killers but none was given. A doctor at some point told my husband to tell me to calm down and bear the pains since I had just been sliced(her exact words). I at some point fell that life was going out of me and it was just God's mercy that saw me through. I went back home with a very beautiful daughter and a heart full of gratitude to God. I am however very scared to entertain the thought of another child. I would have really love to have one more but my last experience kinda freaked me out.
I hate to compare Countries but I have to say that the Medical Team in UK showed that they "owed" me a duty of care and also they would have been questioned if anything had happened to me or the Baby but the Nija guys were all over the place, no cohesion, no duty of care and all.
5. Lagos Island Maternity Hospital (mother's story)
2 years ago at island maternity. I was carrying twins, i got to d labour room and the nurses and midwives cared less. I shouted but no good response only 4 a student doctor to be asking me how many abortions have you done? He stood there looking at me when i pushed and pushed one of d girls came out, imagine d doctor ran out of d labour room shouting d baby is coming. The midwife came carried d baby away and left me with one baby inside me and the placenta, it was when d doctor on duty came in and asked but you said dis lady has put to bed? They said yes, he took my file and went through it he then told them it remains one inside. He now took over and passed oxygen into my nose and a drip into my body, he then gave me a serious tear cos d other girl is breech. My people i went through hell but with God's help and d doctor i delivered d girls without cs but it was a bitter experience i don't like to remember.
6. R. Jolad Hospital (Mother's story)
I had both my babies here in Nigeria in d same hospital (R Jolad) and I must say their service was impeccable. 

With my first, I opted for an elective CS because of the baby's size and fear dey catch me, Was awake throughout d 30 minutes surgery and I felt them bring my boy out. That first sound was priceless. Recovery was nasty, Dunno why naija doctors don't give strong pain killers. Just paracetamol . Thank God for quick recovery. 

With my 2nd, during my antenatal, I repeatedly told them I didn't want another CS, they told me to consider the possibility as my first baby wasn't 2 yrs at the time. They also told M̶̲̅e they couldn't induce labour as the internal scars were probably not healed. 

When I finally went into labour on d 12th of january, they took M̶̲̅e into a private ward and administered an injection that would soften my cervix. After 9 hours with only 3cm dilation, they decided to manually dilate d cervix with a water balloon thingy (dunno d name of d procedure), hurt like crazy. That took the dilation to 5cm, that's when I started to feel the REAL labour pains. They kept giving M̶̲̅ε̲̣ d injection to soften my cervix (each was more painful than d last) finally at 12.05 on d 13th of jan, I was finally fully dilated and ready to push. My little princess arrived at 12.15am after a little episiotomy. 

The nurses and doctors were really professional and encouraging M̶̲̅e all through (even though I was being a total diva). They respected my wishes of not wanting CS and did all they could when the cervix wasn't dilating even though they couldn't induce d labour
My naija experience wasn't bad o. Some hospitals here are really good, wonder why some heartless health practitioners would turn a joyous event to a tragedy because of negligence.
7. Mother and Child Hospital Akure (Mother's story)
'Gave birth at Mother n Child hospital in Akure. As I was brought to the delivery room, one of the midwives examined me with her fingers and encouraged me to push. The other was in a hurry to change shift n just cut me up (seems she was in charge). While sewing me up later on, I wasn't given any pain killers. She was just inserting d needle n 'thread' like a pro while I was there howling in CRAZY pain. Met other new mums later in d nursery n they told me they also went thru d same tin.
Wasn't like my baby was too big or something. The midwife said something like 'we cut up most women for their first Vagina delivery'. Donno if that's standard procedure though.
Took about 2 months to fully recover from the tears. I even have a scar down there. 
So much 4 childbirth in Nigeria.'
8. Lagos state Mother and child hospital Gbaja
I had my second baby through elective C-Section at Lagos State Mother & Child Hosp, Gbaja Surulere. The experience was awesome. 
When i was wheeled into the Theatre i was like "Wow!".The gadgets i saw where up to date. The doctors were really very kind. They actually educated me on the various forms of anesthetics, their pros and cons and asked me to make a choice. I choose Spinal cos I dey fear make person sleep no come wake up again.
They asked me to relax when they were ready to give me the "Spinal". Didn't even know when it was given.
Was gisting with the docs till they brought my baby out. Don't even think it took up to 30 minutes. 
The only bad experience I had were the short staffed Nurses and their nasty attitude.
I'd recommend the hospital but my only fear is that the standard may not be d same, being Govt hospital and all.
9. Ibadan
I gave birth to my second Son a while ago at Ibadan, I gave birth in a new clinic along d new challenge Apata express way, the Hospital service is nothing to write about, I can never ask my Enemy to go to the hospital. My first problem with the hospital started when the doctor wanted to give anti tetanus injection which I explained to him that I've taken 3 doses out of d five doses and that I'm due for the next dose by Feb dis year, I was given d 4th dose by Feb n d Doctor was telling me dat I'm supposed to take another dose 2months later but I refused. My first Scan as at 16 weeks shows dat my baby is lying transverse so d Doctor saw it n was just threatening me dat it possible I go tru a CS section so since I av my first born Scan result at home I went tru it n I found out dat d baby was also lying transvere as at 16 weeks n by 32 weeks it has changed upside Down so I wasn't scared, by 39 weeks there was no sign of Labour n d Doctor was trying to Induce me so I explained to him dat my first pregnancy too was like dis that there was no labour sign until I went through Vaginal Examination but d Doctor wanted to induce me which I refused n he finally did the vaginal Examination for me on 29th of may between 10am n 11 am , by 8pm when my Husband was preparing for work d next day d labour sign was showing gradually by 8:30 I was on my way to d clinic. I got to d clinic n I was asked to go to d labour room,can u believe it that while I was in Labour d doctor still wanted to induce me, one of d nurses was giving me sign but I didn't get d message not until they brought d things he wanted to use to induce me that I now got d message so I told d doctor that I don't want to be induced. I had a tear directly from my vagina to my Anus as I'm talking to u due to d Doctors negligence. D whole labour pain n child birth was less than 2 hours, I was Discharged before 12 noon d next day, d clinic does not have Electric boiler, stove nor cooker to Heat water, my baby was not properly examined it was when I got home that I discovered he had Jaundice. It was a terrible experience, I had to call d nurses to check my Bp before it was checked,I also called a nurse's attention to myself stomach pain n that d bleeding is much all for d nurse to be complaining that I didn't allow her to sleep.
I tried as much as possible not to edit any of the personal accounts, but chose instead to present them as they were presented by the mother's. After going through this stories one has to wonder what to consider in choosing a hospital for antenatal, childbirth and post-natal care. In my next article on pregnancy i would be giving you a list of things to consider before deciding on a hospital for your pregnancy care needs. 
Do not hesitate to share any stories you may know from personal experience or may be familiar with. No Knowledge is lost. Most importantly, take care of yourself, read widely and always, always, ask questions.

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